AngularJS Vs ReactJS: Make Your Choice
Angular JS and React JS form some of the most used linguistic frameworks as far as JavaScript is concerned. However, both of them have intricate differences as well as similarities, which in turn give rise to some important considerations that need to be addressed while facing a choice between the two.

What is Angular JS & React JS
Angular JavaScript is popularly known as AngularJS, Angular.js or simply Angular. Angular JS is an Open Source structural framework for creating Rich Internet Applications (RIA). Angular was created by Google and is also used by YouTube for PS3,, &, which are among some of the most popular websites or applications that have been developed by using this language.

React JavaScript is popular as ReactJS, React.js or simply React. React JS is an Open Source JavaScript Library which helps in the creation of dynamic – Single page applications. However, it differs from Angular JS from the perspective that it allows the manipulation and utilization of reusable UI components. Hence, it essentially acts as a refresh button from a conceptual point of view, which is activated every time a change is made in the underlying code. React JS is mainly maintained by websites like Facebook & Instagram. Other websites like Vimeo and Dropbox also have been crafted with the use of this particular programming language.
Angular JS V/S React JS
Once we skim through the surface of both these languages, it becomes clearer that there is a lot more than meets the eye.
1. Extensibility:
With Angular JS, web developers can extend the current functionality of the underlying HTML framework with the help of custom directives. Angular JS offers many resourceful directives and also offers readymade frameworks, which can help in the creation of new and diverse custom directives.

Custom Directives are analogous to the clothes that you wear. They can be used again and again for different occasions, but always add a particular element to your overall personality.
Custom directives are large or small sections of code, which preserve the functionalities as well as behavioural properties of the code from the perspective of semantics so that these can be used again and again.
React JS also provides the same level of functionality as far as scope for extensibility is concerned. However, being a Javascript library, it is mainly used for creating components out of the underlying code, rather than make direct changes for faster creation of applications, which is what Angular JS is for.
Word Code: The word extensibility, in development or programming realms, indicates the capability of software wherein it can be moulded regarding functionality and overall scope of the same. However, another important aspect of extensibility also includes the fact that the data flow and the internal structure does not need to be changed
2. Data Binding
Data binding is a very crucial part of the web development process. It is the process through which changes in the underlying HTML code can be initiated by making changes in the Graphic User Interface or GUI, and vice-versa. However, depending on the type of data-binding allowed by a framework, it can be mainly of two types:
- One Way Data Binding: This type of data-binding allows the user to make changes the outer view or the front end by performing changes or alterations in the underlying model or code. For instance, a change in the HTML code will be reflected in the view portion of the browser.

- Two-Way Data Binding: Two-Way Data Binding is more useful for the automated creation of a new model or application. This type of Data-Binding allows a user to make a change in view, which will directly be reflected in the codes, thus enabling the software framework in creating automatic templates. However, it also provides the user with the functionalities of One-Way Data-Binding, from the model or code end.
Angular JS is equipped with Two-Way Data Binding capabilities, while React JS works in a slightly different manner. In the React world of programming and computing, data flows in only one way, from the code to the program or application, which effectively makes it a one-way binding script. However, React JS can be effectively used to create data loops in case of certain types of user inputs, such as form submissions, to initiate two-way data-binding. Hence, while Angular JS is inherently equipped with two-way data-binding, React JS can be adapted to the same.
3. Speed
By comparison, any open source developer can say that React JS is way faster than Angular JS. The sole reason for this is that React JS uses virtual DOM (Document Object Model). By creating virtual DOM, any changes made to either the script or the model are reflected faster and with increased accuracy.

DOM is a tree-shaped structure, which means that it represents the HTML code in the form of a tree, thereby deriving from the code itself and using essential components of the code as nodes. However, the problem with this tree structure is that if a small component or element, such as an event handler within the code, needs to be changed, a web-developer might have to dig deep and risk bug infections, just to make a small change. This is also because tree structures today have become more vast and complex than before.
Word Code: DOM is essentially an interface or platform that is language-neutral, thereby allowing both programs and scripts to initiate changes and update elements such as style, structure, and content
On the other hand, Virtual DOM is not a tree-shaped structure like conventional DOM and is instead a more simplified version of the HTML DOM. Hence, the simplification enables a React JS user to perform DOM functionalities without actually doing a lot of manual work.
4. DOM
DOM is a World Wide Consortium Standard which sets the guiding rules for accessing the XML & HTML documents. In other words, it is an API (Application Programming Interface) that guidelines the way HTML & XML files are accessed & manipulated.
Angular JS uses the browser or HTML DOM while React JS works with virtual DOM. However, even though the use of Virtual DOM by React JS enables it to provide superior speed as well as convenience to developers. Angular JS provides cross-browser compatibility. This means that Angular JS can automatically handle Javascript code that might be specific to a particular browser. Without needing to be adapted or altered for the same.
5. Rendering:

The reason why React JS has more popularity regarding UI creation. And refinement is that it offers server-side rendering, while Angular JS only provides client-side rendering. Server-side rendering is a lot faster than client-side rendering as it decreases page load time considerably. And affects application performance directly.
6. Learning Curve
Starting to use Angular JS as a framework for app or web development might prove to be difficult for developers with little prior knowledge about essential elements within the framework. For instance, Angular JS requires conceptual knowledge, e.g., DOM directives, filters, factories and more. You may even call Angular JS the language of professionals.
While React JS is very easy for beginners as API & Syntax used in this Javascript library are not so complex in comparison to Angular JS. React has a small and contained API, which makes development easy, fun and comprehensible.
7. Structure & Components
The structure & components of a framework or library craft the way UI and applications themselves are built. Angular JS uses linguistic components from HTML, CSS & JS. On the other hand, even though React JS uses the same languages, it also utilizes a linguistic component known as JSX. JSX can be used to integrate Javascript and HTML together, thereby allowing easier and convenient development processes. It is known as the Javascript XML syntax transform, which enables to utilize HTML-like tags within the Javascript framework. However, in simpler words, JSX can be used to create React elements. Where the same elements can be created through XML-based object representations that are similar to HTML tags.
8. Coding & Re-using Codes

Angular JS has a solid market presence as it was developed four years before the React JS. So, there are many ready-made components and elements available for Angular JS developers. However, the main of Angular JS is to create and operate complete applications. On the other hand, React JS allows more freedom as far as testing, reusing and separating existing code is concerned. The reusability of the code lies at the very heart of the conceptual framework of React JS, as the main use of this library is to create components, rather than complete applications themselves.
9. Architecture
Angular JS uses the MVC (Model-View-Controller) architecture. MVC is a structural design or framework which enables web applications to come alive. The MVC structures help in managing the web application by dividing it into specific parts, each with its own directives and responsibilities. However, on closer inspection, it seems that the controller aspect of Angular JS in the MVC framework is more flexible and open to adaptation. In this case, Angular developers have created a framework known as MVW. Also is known as Model-View-Whatever. Where “whatever” indicates that you can add any element which is suitable or convenient for your application.
From the perspective of the MVC model, React JS uses only the V component i.e. View. Hence, React doesn’t make use of a structure. But instead, lets you make the most of the library to tailor and customize the outer appearance or User Interface of your app or website. However, if remote data and other elements that include deep code-based functionalities are your areas of interest. You might need to use React JS along with other frameworks like Flux.
- Angular JS was developed in 2009 while React JS was made Open Source in 2013.
- Historical Data of popularity comparison shows that the popularity of React JS has increased significantly. While the opposite situation was seen with Angular JS.
- The Popularity of Angular JS & React JS can be found both in developed economies & emerging markets
So, we can say from formal observation that both Angular JS & React JS have their own unique features, which make them excellent tools for development. At the same time, both have their own unique limitations as well. It is up to you as to which one you would want to choose for your own developmental requirements and preferences.
Do let us know your comments and insights on this comparison.